Cuti-cuti Malaysia

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My first step... first move...

This may be my first step to blog! well... not really my first time but yeah! First time! haha... sure pening baca. Well... I consider this as the first time since this is my first PERSONAL blog to be viewed publicly. Sebenarnya, aku terrr'klik' laa blog sorang teman blog maniac ni semalam. Felt like wanna release tension laa at 1st place. tapi suddenly ter'bump' la kat blog this kid. hah! baca punya baca... scrolling up and down her blog, rasa mcm fun pulak. She could write anything she wants.... bebas- sebebas bebasnya! haaa... sampaikan lepas perasaan pun ada dalam tu. part of her writings pun rasa macam interesting... and that's when I decided to start writing... blog to be specific.

So.... HERE I AM after one sleepless night, haha.. you bet. Aku rasa nak lepas perasaan jugak la dalam ni. Tapi entahlah... for how long I could maintain this blog. entah2 this is my first and last time blogging! Wahahaha.. I need somebody to keep on forcing, encouraging and urging me.... Let me know, I'm always needed.... duhhhhhhhhh!!!

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